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发布日期:2019-06-14    点击次数:
序号 论文名称 出版期刊信息 检索名称 作者 期刊级别(ZJU100/TOP/权威/一级/会议论文/其他)
1 Blade   research of horizontalaxis marine current turbine in low flow velocity Taiyangneng   Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica EI Chen,   Junhua (1, 2); Li, Hao (2, 3); Tang, Chen (2, 3); Li, Lei (2, 3); Zhu, Wenbin   (2, 3)
2 Spiral-driving   linear piezoelectric actuator based on exponential amplitude transformer Guangxue Jingmi   Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering EI Li, Jialin (1,   2); Hua, Shunming (2); Li, Zhiqiang (1); Meng, Yuming (1); Lou, Yinghou (2) 一级
3 Kinetic   analysis of new tamping arm Zhongnan   Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science   and Technology) EI Liu,   Yi (1, 2); Gong, Guofang (2)
4 Experimental   study on the wave power device with relative motion type Taiyangneng   Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica EI Song, Ruiyin   (1); Zhang, Xiangyang (1, 2); Cai, Bingqing (1, 2); Zhou, Minlong (1, 2); Li,   Yue (1, 2)
5 Research   on automobile crankshaft roundness and cylindricity errors evaluation   mathematical model based on the error conversion Jixie   Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering EI Zhang,   Xuechang (1); Liang, Tao (1); Zhang, Xu (2); Wang, Yingying (1); Yang, Renmin   (1) 一级
6 One-dimension   constitutive relationship and its application for honeycomb paperboard Zhendong   Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Vibration Engineering EI Lu,   Fude (1); Gao, De (1) 一级
7 Mechanical   and cushioning properties of multilayer calcium plastic corrugated paper   board with different pre-compression ratio Zhendong   yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock EI Gao,   De (1); Wu, Jianfeng (1, 2); Lu, Fude (1); Chen, Sijia (1); He, Junle (1, 2) 核心
8 Effects   of electropulsing treatment on ultra-precision cutting of titanium alloy   Ti6Al4V Hongwai   yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering EI Wu,   Hongbing (1, 2); Shi, Yunlong (1); Du, Xue (3); Xiong, Ruibin (4); Shi, Song   (5) 权威
9 Shock response   and finite element analysis of critical components with cantilever beam type   under action of a rectangular acceleration pulse Zhendong yu   Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock EI Lu, Fude (1);   Xu, Chenguang (1); Gao, De (1); Xu, Feng (1) 核心
10 A   screw type piezoelectric actuator with bi-directional bending vibrations Zhendong   yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock EI Hua,   Shunming (1); Meng, Yuming (1, 2); Lou, Yinghou (1); Li, Zhiqiang (1, 2); Li,   Jialin (1, 2) 核心
11 Study   on hydrodynamic force of blade of horizontal axis impeller for tidal current   power capture (水平轴潮流能捕获桨叶水动力研究) Taiyangneng   Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 太阳能学报,2016年,第37卷,第9期:2430-2436 EI Zheng,   Di (1, 2); Zhu, Bin (1, 2); Chen, Junhua (1); Hu, Liyong (1) 一级
12 A   novel method for bending stiffness of umbilical based on nonlinear large   deformation theory Lecture   Notes in Electrical Engineering EI Lin,   Zuan (1, 2); Zhang, Lei (2); Yang, Canjun (1) 会议论文
13 An experimental   study and 1-D analysis of an ejector with a movable primary nozzle that   operates with R236fa INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID SCI Chen, Shaojie;   Chen, Guangming; Fang, Lingyun 权威
14 Effect   of melt viscosity on the cell morphology and properties of poly(lactic acid)   foams JOURNAL   OF CELLULAR PLASTICS SCI Gao,   De; Wang, Jianping; Wang, Yu; Zhang, Ping SCI
15 Effects   of electropulsing treatment on material properties and ultra-precision   machining of titanium alloy INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY SCI Wu,   Hong Bing; To, Sandy 权威
16 Effects   of multifactors on rheological properties of bubble petroleum coke water   slurry PETROLEUM   SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SCI/EI Gao,   Fuyan; Hu, Eric J. 权威
17 Study   on cutting mechanism of Ti6Al4V in ultra-precision machining INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY SCI Xiong   Ruibin; Wu, Hongbing 权威
18 Synthesis   and Preparation of Bio-Based ROMP Thermosets from Functionalized Renewable   Isosorbide Derivative MACROMOLECULAR   CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS SCI Wang,   Bingtao; Mireles, Kathryn; Rock, Mitch; Li, Yuzhan; Thakur, Vijay Kumar; Gao,   De; Kessler, Michael R. 权威
19 Synthesis   of renewable isosorbide-based monomer and preparation of the corresponding   thermosets CHINESE   CHEMICAL LETTERS SCI Wang,   Bingtao; Lu, Fude; Xu, Feng; Li, Yuzhan; Kessler, Michael R. 权威
20 Impact responses and optimization design for   a head-EPS-Aluminum honeycomb cushioning system 振动工程学报 EI 卢富德 一级
21 折光率法测定低温保护剂浓度研究 低温工程 虞效益,李威,陈光明,徐美娟 一级
22 间歇性波浪能发电系统恒功率控制实验研究 水力发电学报 宋瑞银、李越、陈俊华、林躜、程少科 一级
23 Path   planning methods for auto-guided rice-transplanters IFIP   advances in information and communication technology EI Zhang,   Fangming; Lv, Changhuai; Yang Jie; Zhang, Caiyu; Li Guisen; Fu, Licheng 会议论文
24 Effects   of pH on rheological characteristics and stability of petroleum coke water   slurry PETROLEUM   SCIENCE SCI Gao   Fuyan; Hu Eric J. 权威
25 Ecological   and energy efficiency analysis of ejector and vapor compression air   conditioners International   Journal of Refrigeration,2017,74():127-135 EI Chen,   Guangming ; Zhelezny, Vitaly ; Khliyeva, Olga ; Shestopalov, Kostyantyn ;   Ierin, Volodymyr
26 Theoretical   analysis and optimization of a hybrid CO2transcritical mechanical compression   – ejector cooling cycle International   Journal of Refrigeration,2017,74():84-92 EI Chen,   Guangming ; Volovyk, Oleksii ; Zhu, Daibin ; Ierin, Volodymyr ; Shestopalov,   Kostyantyn
27 真空冷凝锅炉管束效应研究 真空科学与技术学报 梁逸敏、李建新、王永川、蒋林、张秀珍、丁亚琪、陈世一、陈光明 一级